Thursday, October 30, 2008


So this my blog about how much I hated Chemistry today. I didn't like my chem teacher at the beginning of the class and now I have a sort of love for the man. Well I have been enjoying the class until today when he decided to give us more homework and more homework and crame about the rest of the year of chem into one day. Ok that was a little bit of an exageration. But then he decided to give us the rest of next week to work on all the papers he gave us. Then for the kicks of it he said the same phrase that we all have heard a thousand times. "Once you learn to recognize polyatomic ions, the easier your life will be." He said that six times in twenty minutes...scary stuff! Its repeatitive and redundant. But the four of us in the corner were all trying to pay attention, but all we could think about was twenty minutes left. We all became very giggly, and annoyed. I developed a twitch during class. Now every time I hear Ionic equation my eye twitches. So I got so annoyed that I stuck a post-it note on my forehead that says "I HATE Chemistry". I wore it at school when I left and then into the post office and all the way home. I wore it at maverick too, i got quite the few funny stairs and looks.

My happy face...and my post-it note forehead.

My up close post-it note!
Anyways I hope that chemistry seems better then it really is. I like it and I understand but I can't take it when I have to do two hours of balancing equations.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Girls Night!

Hello friends...So on the left there I am blogging yes i am bloggin! So that is how happy I am. Below is me on the phone with my sister Jenny...I'm talking with attitude. Actually she is telling me a story about my nece...which is on her blog...and i was paying attention...but I was taking pictures of myself at the time.

Once again I am on the phone talking to my sister...I kinda get distracted.
So this is about a girls night at Diana's house...we all had carmeled stuff and then did mud masks and foot massages. Below is Jessie being cheesy!

Smile Chante...goodness that girl has attitude! But we love her. JK of the biggest sweethearts in the world!

Oh our Jill. It took me a solid five minutes to get this pic.

Cheese steph. Our pretty #3 top state cross country runner! And she has perfect skin too!!! lol

And me...i look really pale...but it is really a green mud mask. After this we watched CHOCOLAT (french accent) an amazing movie. I wanted chocolate a lot after this! Happy blogging

Monday, October 20, 2008

Study Night

So here is the images of another night of studying. Tonight's torture, CALCULUS~ DUN DUN DUN! Nice sound effects right? So I have my Chapter 2 Calculus test tomorrow, it is all about Limits and Continuity. Sounds fun right? Well actually it isn't all the bad but I won't get into the specifics of it.

So that is my bed tonight, my usual night of study with the extra calculus cram. Although I am not really cramming, cause I spent the last three weeks in Mr. Harris's (my calc teacher) room making sure I had each step right. He sure got sick of me quickly. JK, he really likes me to come in, we talk about a whole bunch of stuff actually.

So I started to get a little worried about the test and kind of panicked half way through my test. I was thinking that I didn't know all that I actually did.

So yes, that is my book. It looks a little menacing but it's width is worse then the work. Whoever this THOMAS was, he sure had a cruel sense of humor.

With about 2 hours more of study I was seeming to get it. I was staying pretty calm, and it was coming. So I guess that I was doing ok.

Ok people this is it, my take home test (practice test) I had it completed and I was for sure it was right. So I just went over each problem to make sure I knew what I was doing. Lame I know, I am such a GEEK!

Guess who is going to get an A on her Calc test tomorrow? OH yeah, THAT'S ME! You can tell I am pretty excited and I like it. I know what I am doing. Excitementness! You wouldn't think it would take 18 years for some ones brains to finally kick into gear.

So why am I blogging if I am supposed to be working on my homework? Well the truth is I think I have it. And if I fail, NOPE, I AM NOT GOING TO FAIL! I worked WAY too hard to fail! So Calc test here I come!

First Blog

Well this is snazy. I like this place, and I have to tell you I like lot of places. I forgot to tell you I work at Cavalier Pizza in Mt. Pleasant. See that is me over there. I was sluffing working the party room with katie and cinda.

I got bored and stuck things on my face. HE, He! So that is pretty much it. I will keep updating you...because it is late and I am tired.