Monday, October 20, 2008

Study Night

So here is the images of another night of studying. Tonight's torture, CALCULUS~ DUN DUN DUN! Nice sound effects right? So I have my Chapter 2 Calculus test tomorrow, it is all about Limits and Continuity. Sounds fun right? Well actually it isn't all the bad but I won't get into the specifics of it.

So that is my bed tonight, my usual night of study with the extra calculus cram. Although I am not really cramming, cause I spent the last three weeks in Mr. Harris's (my calc teacher) room making sure I had each step right. He sure got sick of me quickly. JK, he really likes me to come in, we talk about a whole bunch of stuff actually.

So I started to get a little worried about the test and kind of panicked half way through my test. I was thinking that I didn't know all that I actually did.

So yes, that is my book. It looks a little menacing but it's width is worse then the work. Whoever this THOMAS was, he sure had a cruel sense of humor.

With about 2 hours more of study I was seeming to get it. I was staying pretty calm, and it was coming. So I guess that I was doing ok.

Ok people this is it, my take home test (practice test) I had it completed and I was for sure it was right. So I just went over each problem to make sure I knew what I was doing. Lame I know, I am such a GEEK!

Guess who is going to get an A on her Calc test tomorrow? OH yeah, THAT'S ME! You can tell I am pretty excited and I like it. I know what I am doing. Excitementness! You wouldn't think it would take 18 years for some ones brains to finally kick into gear.

So why am I blogging if I am supposed to be working on my homework? Well the truth is I think I have it. And if I fail, NOPE, I AM NOT GOING TO FAIL! I worked WAY too hard to fail! So Calc test here I come!

1 comment:

Wohlwends said...

Britty, your such a But i love you! I hope you got your A on the test!
Love you